SenseCan is born to help in taking care of the own garden in a easy, fast and interactive way. It has been developed a device that, through coloured LED (blue, red, yellow) and different sensors (light, temperature, humidity sensor), lets the plants necessities visible. Each LED is connected to a function: red for temperature, yellow one for light and blue for humidity. When the LED is blinking it means the plant has absorbed too much humidity, light and/or temperature; if it stays on, the sensors’ values are at minimum; if it is off the plant is okay and does not need anything. It has been developed an App to know more details about the plants, the device and the community .The shape metaphorically stays for the watering can, one of the most symbolic and traditional tool for gardening. The materials used were the transparent PMMA for the upper part and coloured translucid plastic strips to let each function be visibile; and alluminium for the lower part and the extreme points of the transparent body.