Meg is born following a process that focused on the smell. Indeed starting from smelling a fragrance given by the professor, I developed several words and concepts connected with that smell. Then I translated them in images, shapes, textures, colors and I figured them out in a characteristic pefume bottle. I thought about a Disney character of the movie Hercules, Megara. She is “a free-spirited indipendent and quick-witted woman who is hurt and bitter too. She’s braver and stronger that she thinks and a very sensitive girl” Materials, shapes and textures reflect these features and so do the the ones of her counterpart, Hercules. He is “compassionate and his most dominate trait is, whitout a doubt,.his innocence and massively kind heart, in spite of being trated like a freak”. The two bottles hold together is a passionate and strong hug which show the difference between the two personalities but also their match.

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