In a world by now characterized by caos, connectivity and virtuality, humans need to stop for a moment and focus on their feelings and emotivity to find again that possibility of expressing empathy, a great potentiality impoverished during these last years.
In the medieval doctrine, the light consitutes the essential ontological principle of every physical entity, both animate and inanimate: lux prima forma corporalis, the light creates the shape, the light creates the substance.
The light gives humans a feeling of safeness and encouragement, peace and joy: it is something directly related with life itself. So Light it Be. Light it Be is a lamp to be used in several ways, to express our freedom of choice: it can be a table lamp, a bedside lamp and even a lantern or torch, thanks to its features.Its shapes come from the past designs of those beauful oil lanterns, with a modern interpretaon of the enre figure and with a room for personalizaon, another way to express freedom. Light it Be is made by a wooden base and a removable structure where a shaped metal body is hanging. A globe LED bulb is connected to this part and suspended from the base. The lamp can be removed from the structure and used as the costumer needs.